
ESMT Open Lecture with Mikhail Khodorkovsky

20. März 2017
17:30 Uhr
ESMT Berlin, 10178 Berlin

Russia in Europe: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Since Peter the Great, Russia has been in Europe but not always part of Europe. It has contributed richly to European culture and has been heavily influenced in turn by European political thinking, literature and art. For centuries, Europe has been Russia’s vital source of western technology. In today’s rapidly changing western world, it is easy to overlook the challenges facing Russia and to underestimate Europe’s influence on Russia. Today’s Russia has turned away from Europe but only temporarily. Its current model of governance is exhausted and will inevitably change. What must Russians do to put their country back on a path of reforms and re-connect with Europe? What can European countries do to help the process?


ESMT Berlin aus Mitte


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