
AH Jazz Concert - Hubicki/Bogen Duo

Hubicki/Bogen Duo

Berlin based Hubicki/ Bogen Duo was established in autumn 2018 but its origins go way back to the moment when the two musicians; Konrad Bogen - the piano player from south Germany and Kacper Hubicki - the violin player from South Poland first met at Jazz-Institute Berlin.

During the time spent exploring own and each others fascinations for music the two bonds were founded; the first one - unspoken and passionate musical chemistry the other - challenging and profound friendship. With those two elements on some cold evening in
Charlottenburg the idea of the Duo was put to life…

The Hubicki/Bogen Duo reaches to the old tradition of chamber music for violin and piano and puts it in the still fresh context of modern music aesthetics reach in different influences such as jazz, folk and avant-guard.

The musicians perform both own compositins as well as arrangements of inspiring excerpts of music history and thus they are able to share their passion and love for creating music.


Artist Homes aus Schmargendorf


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