Online-Seminar: How to find a job in Berlin in challenging times?

When life is giving you lemons, start making lemonade.
Radostina Bratanova and Tobias Schmidtner provide useful insights, tipps and strategies for your job hunt in Berlin. They will also talk about helpful service agencies and NGOs that will help you to make the most out of this situation.
There will as well be time and space to adress your specific questions.

Target audience: Expats, job seeker visa holder etc.
Date and time: Thursday, 19 November 2020 at 2 pm
Duration: approx. 60 min.
Fee: free of charge

Host: Tobias Schmidtner, Intercultural Coach/Job Counsellor - JOB POINT Berlin Mitte/Welcome Center Berlin

Co-host: Radostina Bratanova, Job Counsellor and Berliner-by-choice - JOB POINT Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf

Registration: Please use exclusively the following invitation link:

(Feel free to send us any question or request using the contact form.)


JOB POINT Berlin Mitte aus Bezirk Mitte

Alt-Moabit 84, 10555 Berlin
+49 30 39805990

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